Gigi in Hawaii- Keys to Living Your Best Life Now
Teaching women that the key to freedom in life is understanding. Not worldly understanding, but, intimate knowledge that speaks to the depths of their souls. Specifically heart knowledge in three areas: 1) knowing God the Father, 2) knowing who they are and their purpose, and 3) knowing the power they possess within themselves.
46 episodes
Idolatry- Alive & Kickin-Episode 45
Do you think idolatry doesn’t exist in your life? Think again. Gigi shares her personal journey of discovering the presence of idolatry in her life. She explains what idolatry means, its consequences, and emphasizes the crucial importance of se...
Episode 45

Beauty from Ashes -The Profound Power of Love, Contentment, & Second Chances- Episode 44
Gigi explores the lives of an extraordinary couple whose world was turned upside down by a medical tragedy. Despite the extreme challenges and brutal loss- they believe this experience was the best thing that ever happened to them! Demons...
Episode 44

Identity Crisis- Why It’s Important to Know Who You Are & Who You Are Not - Episode 43
Gigi speaks about identity and the importance of answering the most significant question of all- a question that may very well keep you from wasting your life! It’s all about knowing who you are, who you are not, and discovering your purp...
Episode 43

Calculated Choices- How to Make Decisions that Always Lead to Blessings - Episode 42
Gigi gets right down to it- because you make better decisions when you are better informed. She tackles the principle of cause and effect and shows how calculated choices done in the right way will always reap a harvest of blessing. ...
Season 2
Episode 42

Hearing God- Does He Really Speak & How to Know It's Him- Episode 41
Gigi is back after taking a month-long break! Starting the new year with the importance of God’s word being impressed upon her heart. Join her in this episode as she dives into the truth of how God communicates. How we can learn to...
Season 2
Episode 41

How to Start the New Year Right: Releasing What No Longer Serves You- Episode 40
Join Gigi in her last episode of 2024 before her month-long hiatus! As the New Year dawns, embrace the opportunity to reflect and release. Let go of what no longer serves you—habits, relationships, and old beliefs that hold you back. By ...
Episode 40

Breezing Through the Holiday Season: Finding What Truly Matters- Episode 39
Are you ready for this holiday season, or are you frazzled and frantic as the big day approaches? Listen in as Gigi shares how you can approach the holidays in perfect peace. It's all about focusing on the right things to achieve not only peace...
Episode 39

Transforming Offense Into Growth- Episode 38
This week, Gigi discusses how offense can be a deceptive trap that leads to irreparable harm. She reveals how offense can be weaponized and doesn’t discriminate. Gigi shares valuable lessons learned the hard way and emphasizes how God can turn ...
Episode 38

The Characteristics of an Exceptional Leader: Insights from Joshua- Episode 37
Gigi delves into the Book of Joshua, extracting valuable lessons from the life of an exceptional leader. Outlining essential character traits necessary for successful leadership and reflecting on Joshua's one significant mistake. Gigi emphasize...
Episode 37

Essential Insights for a Lasting Marriage- Episode 36
Gigi concludes the book Togetherness: Couples Living Life Better and shares the lessons learned from a couple who should have never made it! Affairs, divorces, shame, regret, and redemption. It is possible to forgive, heal, restore...
Episode 36

Parenting with Purpose: A Guide to Win- Episode 35
Gigi continues exploring the book Togetherness: Couples Living Life Better and this time she dives into the topic of parenting. Specifically, how you know that you’ve won- accomplished the goal of raising successful children. Succ...
Episode 35

Beyond the Bedroom- The Best Sex (God's Way)- Episode 34
Gigi goes there.. right into the bedroom to pull back the covers and reveal the truth about sex. The differences between God’s way and the world’s way and why it matters. Sexual intimacy is a beautiful creation from God as it is a ...
Episode 34

How to Strength Your Marriage and Fight the Good Fight- Episode 33
Gigi dives into session four of the Togetherness study. Uncovering why conflicts arise in marriage, the weapons we should never use in battle, and how to resolve conflict in such a way that marriages are stronger for it. Your spouse...
Episode 33

Marriage- Steps to Decision Making- Episode 32
Gigi expands upon session three of the Togetherness study. Laying out seven critical steps to successfully making decisions together in marriage. Uncovering the importance of unity in decision making and what to do when you can’t se...
Episode 32

Marriage- Talk the Talk Together- Episode 31
Gigi dives into session two of the Togetherness study. Laying the firm foundation of communication. What does the Bible say on the matter and how husbands and wives have different needs and motivations for communication? Gain ...

Marriage- The Importance of Togetherness- Episode 30
Gigi embarks on a marriage bible study about Togetherness by Wil Lake. Join her as she highlights some profound truths and insights from the first session about “Coming Together.” What does togetherness mean? What’s society’s view ...

Buffalo Jump- Winning Spiritual Battles With Authority- Episode 29
Brief Summary:Are you ready to rumble? The battle is real and it is now! Hear Gigi’s testimony in how she discovered spiritual warfare and experienced her first acknowledged attack from the enemy. Proof that Satan is ...

Kunoni- How to Walk in Hope -Episode 28
In this episode Gigi shares how she was lifted from depression and how one word brought peace, clarity, and hope. Diving into the life of Corrie Ten Boom to see how despite darkness and struggles there is hope and that the best is yet to ...
Episode 28

Women- Are We Being Lied To? -Episode 27
In this episode Gigi goes where most don’t dare- exploring the topic of abortion and debunking one of the top messages promoted by the media, government, and politicians. Regardless of where you stand on this issue (i.e. pro-life vs. pro-...
Episode 27

Finding Truth in the Chaos -Episode 26
In this episode Gigi tackles one of the top taboo topics- politics! If you or someone you know is struggling with how to make sense of the political landscape and who to vote for this message is for you! Wisdom and discernmen...
Episode 26

Military Honor- The Ultimate Sacrifice -Episode 25
Gigi shares her heart for the military- discussing the importance of their role and sacrifice. Join her as she prays over our military. Because as the world grows more hostile and uncertain, now is the time for our nation to unite and honor our...
Episode 25

Being a Treasure Hunter -Episode 24
Tune in as Gigi shares an insightful discovery she made while visiting Montana. Discovering what it means to be in the Treasure State and the value and importance of understanding our hearts’ desires. We were designed to be treasure hunte...
Episode 24

Soaring as a “Go to Girl -Episode 23
Gigi shares a powerful Bible Study that personally transformed her life and set her on the path to Father’s House learning what it means to become a “Go to Girl” for God! Resources Mentioned: Father’s House by Rach...
Episode 23

Breaking Free For More - Episode 22
This week Gigi explores what it looks like to break free from our gilded cages and choose a life of more. More freedom, more abundance, more healing, more power. MORE. Resources Mentioned: Sugge...
Episode 22

Progressing on the Path to Enlightenment- Episode 21
Gigi continues the topic of identity and transformation- exploring next steps for the continuation of momentum and progress. Not the hollow progress & self-actualization the world offers. Rather, exploring the teachings of the A...
Episode 21