Gigi in Hawaii- Keys to Living Your Best Life Now
Teaching women that the key to freedom in life is understanding. Not worldly understanding, but, intimate knowledge that speaks to the depths of their souls. Specifically heart knowledge in three areas: 1) knowing God the Father, 2) knowing who they are and their purpose, and 3) knowing the power they possess within themselves.
Gigi in Hawaii- Keys to Living Your Best Life Now
How to Start the New Year Right: Releasing What No Longer Serves You- Episode 40
Join Gigi in her last episode of 2024 before her month-long hiatus! As the New Year dawns, embrace the opportunity to reflect and release. Let go of what no longer serves you—habits, relationships, and old beliefs that hold you back. By releasing these burdens, you open your heart and mind to growth, positivity, and new possibilities. Commit to this transformative journey and step into the New Year renewed and empowered!
Resources Mentioned:
A Tiny Spark Article- “Power of Release” by Noelle LeBlanc
Scripture- Genesis 50:20
Suggested Worship Songs- “Let Go” by Eliza King
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Aloha Ladies. Welcome Back.
As I sit here and contemplate that the year 2025 is literally right around the corner, I can't help but wonder what the new year will bring and how best to prepare. I'm not much into making New Year's resolutions, as I've never found them helpful. In fact, the opposite, because, let's face it, they never work out the way we intend, and then we are left starting the new year feeling like a failure! I don't know about you, but that's not how I want my year to begin!
So, this year, God reminded me of an article I wrote in March of 2022 titled "The Power of Release," I want to share it with you today because there is power and beauty in the release process.
The release of what no longer serves us.
To achieve "true release," we must first understand what "release" even means. Release means to be set free from restraint, confinement, or servitude—to relieve a burden.
This statement may seem odd, but I'm going to say it anyway because it's fantastic imagery and a powerful lesson-
"Release like a tree."
Have you ever considered that trees are release experts? Every winter, they shed off their dead leaves and send them raining down to the ground or dispersed into the wind with no hesitation. They don't cling to the old like we do, holding onto things because they are sentimental, a habit or routine, or even from a place of fear- the what-ifs in life. No, the tree doesn't fight its design to let go of what is dead and no longer serves them to make room for the glorious buddings of new green leaves and stunning blooms that will burst forth in spring!
We learn that this release process is necessary to bring the power and beauty of a new, more abundant life. Making room for the good fruit!
Without a release, the tree has no room for new growth—its branches would not be able to support the weight of all the death and decay; thus, the tree cannot bear good fruit without releasing the old.
Isn't this true for us?
How can we expect to flourish if we never recognize the "dead leaves" in our lives and release them? To be truly free to live an abundant life filled with good fruit.
Nelson Mandela understood this power of release:
"As I walked out the door toward the gate that would lead to my freedom, I knew if I didn't leave my bitterness and hatred behind, I'd still be in prison."
The same can be said for the Biblical character, Joseph.
His story is found in the Book of Genesis. It is a story that would rival any modern-day soap opera: favoritism, jealousy, contemplated murder, lies, deceit, slavery, slander, and false imprisonment.
Yet, it is also a story of release.
Joseph was "Daddy's favorite," and his brothers hated him. They hated him so much that they considered killing him, but instead, they sold him into slavery and told Dad that wild animals killed their brother.
Problem solved- brat gone. No need to be bothered anymore!
Because of what his brothers did, Joseph spent the next thirteen (13) years banished from his home- enslaved and then imprisoned after being falsely accused of rape!
Joseph had thirteen long, brutal years of servitude, neglect, abuse, and imprisonment. He was punished for crimes he never committed. He had thirteen years to stew over the past- to replay what his brothers had done and thirteen years to wonder why his father never came for him.
Thirteen years to break his spirit and cause hatred, anger, and bitterness to take root!
In a twist of fate, Joseph was finally freed. Because of his substantial faith and character, displayed through adversity, he became the second most powerful man in the country—second only to Pharaoh!
Joseph was so powerful that years later, he found himself in a position to hold his brothers accountable for their terrible crimes. In a surprising response, he didn't seek revenge—instead, Joseph chose something better.
A single act of release- in the form of forgiveness!
Like Nelson Mandela, Joseph understood the power of release. He understood that living in the past and clinging to bitterness, anger, disappointment, and hatred was a burden that would only hinder him.
Joseph had twenty-two years to wrestle with forgiveness before his brothers ever appeared in his court. In that time, he came to realize that what his brothers intended for his harm, God used for good- He ultimately tells his brothers- "You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives." – Genesis 50:20
Joseph recognized what no longer served him, and just like the tree- He released it.
And in the process- he was truly set free! Lives were changed!
So I ask you, what does your tree of life look like? Do you have any dead leaves that you are clinging to that need to be released?
You can identify them by exploring your own behaviors and reactions. Are you prone to anger? Do you have a critical spirit that is constantly negative? Are you easily upset and annoyed by the behaviors of others around you? Easily offended or irritable? Battling disappoints or depression? Are you struggling with feelings of inadequacy or being overwhelmed?
Ladies- If you answered yes to any of these- I implore you to spend time and evaluate your life. Is God wanting to do a "new thing" in you? Is He asking you to enter a new season? Do you have a heart's desire to have 2025 be something better than ever before? It will only be possible if you can identify the old things that no longer serve you, the things that have become a burden, no longer bring the same joy, and have fulfilled their purpose and need to be released!
It may be time to release the old and welcome in the new!
When we do, we are free! We've made the necessary room—our branches are light, free, and ready for the beauty of all God has in store for this new year!
I know I've got some things that I've been holding onto way too tight and it's time to let go- and let God! So, before I sign off- I want to say that I hope you will stay tuned for more episodes in 2025. I will be taking a hiatus in January, and God willing, He will give me more awesome things to share next year starting in February!
Until then, I'm praying that everyone who hears my voice will be blessed this coming new year—that you will make room and watch God do extraordinary things in your life! Aloha.