Gigi in Hawaii- Keys to Living Your Best Life Now
Teaching women that the key to freedom in life is understanding. Not worldly understanding, but, intimate knowledge that speaks to the depths of their souls. Specifically heart knowledge in three areas: 1) knowing God the Father, 2) knowing who they are and their purpose, and 3) knowing the power they possess within themselves.
Gigi in Hawaii- Keys to Living Your Best Life Now
Calculated Choices- How to Make Decisions that Always Lead to Blessings - Episode 42
Gigi gets right down to it- because you make better decisions when you are better informed. She tackles the principle of cause and effect and shows how calculated choices done in the right way will always reap a harvest of blessing.
Resources Mentioned:
Galatians 6:7-9
2 Timothy 1:7
Philippians 4:6-7
Proverbs 2:6
Proverbs 19:20
Psalm 9:10
Suggested Worship- “Word of God Speak” by Mercy Me
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Doing something different today. Cutting to the chase…because you make better decisions when you are better informed.
Calculated choices.
I’ve talked about this topic before- Episode #6. At the crossroads- facing the decision to choose- one path that leads to the world and one path that leads to God. Decisions that lead to life or death. Small or big.
I got the news during a board meeting- a member who tragically passed. She had received a poor diagnosis- dementia. Instead of telling her inner circle- she made a choice. Dinner out with friends and then an overdosing cocktail of prescription meds. Problem solved. There is no need to worry about the descent into decline. Yet, she robbed everyone in the process. Herself- what if the diagnosis was wrong? Her family- she now leaves a legacy of cowardice and suicide.
Yet another woman of similar age faces a similar diagnosis- her husband has Alzheimer’s. She, too, has a choice. Rebel against the diagnosis and leave. Or choose life. She chose to stay, serve, humble herself, and love. She’s turning the circumstance from a burden into a privilege, meeting the struggle head-on, and growing beautiful in the process.
Here's the thing. Both women faced the same problem. Both women had to decide.
Yet only one woman consulted God.
That is the moment of wisdom- the place where everything changes. You move from the impossible to the possible. The place where you choose to walk into blessing and favor versus struggle and strife.
One woman understands the truth. That the God of the universe, who knows what tomorrow holds- also knows the answers. She knows what the right decision should be and is at perfect peace with it.
She understands the law of sowing and reaping. Not just for herself but for her family- her legacy.
The law of sowing and reaping is both a natural and spiritual law- the world testifies to it- the law of cause and effect. Just ask a farmer- they will tell you the truth that if you want to reap a harvest of anything, you must first sow the seeds.
And you reap in kind to what you sow. It’s lunacy to think otherwise- you can’t sow a pear seed and expect an apple tree to grow. No, you reap exactly what you sow.
Therefore, your choices matter. Every time you choose an action, you also choose the consequences of that action.
Timing matters. Nothing good happens overnight. Time must be considered, and patience must be tested.
Scripture confirms the truth of this principle:
Galatians 6:7 says, "Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows."
Galatians 6:8 goes on to say, "Whoever sows to please their flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; whoever sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life."
Finally, Galatians 6:9 tells us, "Don't grow weary, for in due season we will reap if we do not give up."
Thus, if we live a life with choices that are carnal, self-centered, greedy, impulsive, and sinful, we cannot expect that our lives will be filled with God's blessing and favor!
It truly amazes me that people complain about their lives—their struggles—and blame God or others for them, yet they don't make the connection that they are living the reality of cause and effect—sowing and reaping! They recklessly make choices that bring problems, struggles, and destruction to their very door and can't see that it is a by-product of their own choosing!
Want a better life? A better marriage? Better health? Better future?
Make better choices!
Calculated ones that are filled with wisdom.
Here’s how to choose the right path every time….
· Never make decisions out of fear. ~2 Timothy 1:7 & Philippians 4:6-7
· Be still and consult the Lord. Seek Him and what He has to say on the matter. Because the Lord is the ultimate source of all wisdom. ~Proverbs 2:6
· Seek godly counsel- the Lord uses others to bring a voice of truth, clarity, and fresh insight. But choose them carefully- you want someone who has demonstrated wisdom, experience, and truthfulness! You may not always like what they have to say, but it just might be the right answer at the right time. ~Proverbs 19:20
· And then trust. Peace that surpasses all understanding comes when you know that you know God’s got you. No matter what. ~Psalm 9:10
Ladies- Involve God in ALL your choices. Big or small. This is how we walk in confidence without regret- because it is simply impossible for it to go wrong when God is involved! Even when it doesn't make sense or seems hard- nothing is too big or small for the Lord! He wants to be tagged in… like the partner in a wrestling match- tag Him in to help! He's never going to force Himself- he's never going to meddle. He is the perfect gentleman who will wait patiently on the sidelines for you to invite Him into your life, your mess, and your decision-making!
Finally, don’t give into fear or give up if the answer doesn’t come right away. Just listen. Listen for His voice of truth and know that your calculated choices made with Him will reap a good harvest.
Choose wisely, my friend- because the law of sowing and reaping is immutable!