Gigi in Hawaii- Keys to Living Your Best Life Now
Teaching women that the key to freedom in life is understanding. Not worldly understanding, but, intimate knowledge that speaks to the depths of their souls. Specifically heart knowledge in three areas: 1) knowing God the Father, 2) knowing who they are and their purpose, and 3) knowing the power they possess within themselves.
Gigi in Hawaii- Keys to Living Your Best Life Now
Identity Crisis- Why It’s Important to Know Who You Are & Who You Are Not - Episode 43
Gigi speaks about identity and the importance of answering the most significant question of all- a question that may very well keep you from wasting your life! It’s all about knowing who you are, who you are not, and discovering your purpose.
Resources Mentioned:
John 1:19-23
2 Peter 1:4
2 Timothy 1:8-9
Isaiah 42:6
Romans 8:9-11
Revelation 21:7
Colossians 3:12
Jeremiah 29:11
Colossians 2:10
Psalm 46:1-3
Suggested Worship- “Truth” by Megan Woods
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Aloha Ladies. Welcome Back.
Today's topic- Identity. To know who you are and who you are called to be.
Fundamentally, this is the most important question you should ask yourself!
Getting it wrong could mean wasting your life.
What I find compelling is that the world tells us that our identities are based on our heritage, work, residence, education, social alliances, relationships, and even our gender and sexual orientation.
A portrait that speaks only to the surface.
If I asked you right now to tell me something about yourself—your identity—you would probably respond by telling me what you do for a living, whether you are married or have kids, maybe what school you attended, what sorority or fraternity you pledged, what branch of the military you served, what neighborhood you reside in, what church you attend, or maybe one of your hobbies or passions.
Yet, none of these things speak to your real identity! They just speak to what the world says.
The superficial- the finite.
I realized not too long ago that I had fallen for this trap—defining myself by the world's standard and, in the process, limiting my future! This revelation came through a friend who isn't afraid to speak hard truths. She called one morning and said that God highlighted a story and question that she was to share them with me.
The story comes from the Book of John 1:19-23, where we see the testimony of John the Baptist, which reads:
“Now, this was John's testimony when the Jewish leaders in Jerusalem sent priests and Levites to ask him who he was. He did not fail to confess, but confessed freely, "I am not the Messiah."
They asked him, “Then who are you? Are you Elijah?”
He said, “I am not.”
“Are you the Prophet?”
He answered, “No.”
Finally they said, “Who are you? Give us an answer to take back to those who sent us. What do you say about yourself?”
John replied in the words of Isaiah the prophet, “I am the voice of one calling in the wilderness, ‘Make straight the way for the Lord.’”
Without a blush of hesitation, John confidently answers them, speaking to who God created him to be and his mission—a voice proclaiming the coming of the Messiah!
John knew exactly who he was and who he was not!
Now, as I’m marveling over his confidence, my friend stops me in my tracks with this question:
“Noelle, the Lord wants to know- "Who do you say you are? Do you know the calling and purpose that He has for you? And are you ready and willing to believe it and declare it?"
It was like she punched me in the stomach.
I knew intuitively that the superficial, worldly response would not suffice. No, this was a much deeper question that deserved a much deeper response that carries eternal consequences.
And I honestly could not answer.
Since that day, I’ve been on a journey of discovery… what does God have to say about me and my identity?
This is truly a vital question for us all!
Pastor Rick Warren says- “You were made by God and for God, and until you understand that, life will never make sense.”
Everlasting identity comes down to this…. accepting that we were created by a loving God to have a relationship with Him AND to fulfill His desires and purpose for our lives.
Our mission should be to discover the purpose that He intended before He ever placed us in our mother’s womb!
To know who we are and who we are not!
To remove the superficial labels that the world affixes. Labels that erect barriers of elitism, racism, and sexism. Labels that modify our perceptions and cause us to disengage, divide, and walk in defeatism.
We need to learn to identify the false lies that we believe about ourselves, such as that we are incapable, unworthy, unrighteous, unknowledgeable, unchosen, and inadequate.
Have you ever thought of yourself like that? Ever doubted yourself? Ever thought that you aren’t enough?
The lie that says God would never pick you & use you in any significant way!
It’s simply NOT TRUE!
In fact, if you just look at a sampling from Scripture, you would learn that God has much to say about you….
You have God's divine nature within you. 2 Peter 1:4
You are called by God in righteousness. 2 Timothy 1:8-9 & Isaiah 42:6
You are an overcomer. Romans 8:9-11
You are victorious. Revelation 21:7
You are the elect of God, holy and beloved. Colossians 3:12
You have a purpose. Jeremiah 29:11
You are complete in Christ. Colossians 2:10
You are fearless. Psalm 46:1-3
And there is so much more!!!!
I'm still a work in progress- on a journey to discover and claim what God has to say about me. And you know what I'm receiving? That I, too, am a voice. A voice that the Lord uses for His glory. I've been given the gift of exhortation, and I've received the calling and the anointing to be a voice that speaks for God. When I'm willing to surrender, God can use my voice to further His kingdom. To be a voice of hope.
It's really all about Him and nothing about me!
Ladies- when you know WHO YOU ARE, TO WHOM YOU BELONG, AND WHAT YOU WERE INTENDED TO BE AND FULFILL – all limits are removed… all worldly labels dissolve, and what is left is divine purpose and freedom.
Life makes sense.
So, if you've been like me struggling to answer this important question- let me encourage you today to start your own journey of exploration. Take the different spiritual gift tests, investigate God’s word, and see what He has to say about you, examine your natural talents and passions, and listen to any prophetic words of encouragement that have ever been spoken over you. It all matters. It all fits and reveals the puzzle piece of your life because Father God loves you- delights in you- and wants you to walk in your divine purpose and freedom!!
Don’t miss it! It’s never too late to discover YOU!