Gigi in Hawaii- Keys to Living Your Best Life Now

Giftings- What Are They & Why They Matter -Episode 18

Gigi In Hawaii- The Tiny Spark Erupts- (Host: Noelle LeBlanc) Episode 18

Join Gigi as she uncovers the importance of spiritual giftings bringing a fresh look at motivational gifts that shape our responses in life- our basic inward drive. She discusses what these gifts are, where they come from, and why they are detrimental for awakening your understanding of your unique design and purpose.  A must listen for anyone interested in personal growth!  

Resources Mentioned:
Romans 12:6-8
1 Corinthians 12:7-11
Ephesians 4:11-13

 Research Tools:

 Designed for Fulfillment by Charles R. Wale, Jr. (book)

 Spiritual Testing 1 (online)-

Spiritual Testing 2 (online)-

Spiritual Testing 3 (download)-

 Suggested Worship- “Use Me” by Josiah Queen & “Wonderfully Made” by Ellie Holcomb

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Aloha Ladies. Welcome back. 

 Since we've been discussing intentionality, I thought today would be a good day to discuss giftings. Knowing our giftings is crucial if we want to progress in life with meaning and purpose, as they will awaken a deeper understanding of our unique design!

 I say this because if we wait until we are old and gray to figure out our giftings, we will have wasted valuable time potentially spinning our wheels and pursuing things that may not be the best for us. Living a life filled with frustration, struggle, and, for many, emptiness, and unhappiness.  

 This thought struck me this summer while my grandchildren were visiting.   Man, each time I see them, they grow like little weeds- ever-changing in the blink of an eye. During this visit, I got to see how my granddaughter is blossoming into a little lady who has a fierce need to advocate for others; she's bold and not afraid to speak up when necessary. She's quite the chatterbox when given the opportunity.  On the other hand, my grandson is more reserved with his words, but he has a great memory and seems well beyond his years in spiritual discernment. I watched them both closely and thought about all the different giftings and how they might use them in the future.   I could see my granddaughter being an attorney advocating for those who need justice, and for my grandson, I could so see him being a pastor!   Now, only God knows whether they grow up to be these things.   But, figuring out their natural abilities, gifts, talents, and desires at an early age will give them the freedom to pursue a life in which they perfectly fit. Being able to understand and use their identify right from the start - fulfilling their God-given purpose- talk about the world being their oyster! 

 For me, I guess you could say I’m a “late bloomer” as I’m just now starting to figure out my identity and my giftings.   I joined the military right out of high school because I had no idea what I wanted to do and hoped that the military could show me.   Then I went to school to become a paralegal, thinking I might fit and find deep satisfaction and purpose. Yet, in those thirty years, I learned that I still didn't know my real purpose or my giftings. 

 I’m just so thankful that God is patient. When we are ready, He will give us insight and set us on a new path of discovery. 

 For me, it has been a slow revelation, but that's OK- progress is progress, whether fast or slow. But, because it has been a lengthy journey,  I’m not going to delve into all the nuances for the sake of time; but what I want to share is that God revealed to me a lie that I picked up when I was around five years old and that lie was that my voice is not pleasing. And because of that lie, I’ve spent much of my life hiding & neglecting my voice. I was hiding myself, my talents, and my calling. Public speaking out and being in the limelight was absolutely terrifying and something I would avoid at all costs, whether it was being called on by a teacher in school, calling a room to attention in the military, or even asking a question in a public forum.   All terrifying!     

 Yet here I am, using my voice and speaking publicly. My first speaking engagement was two years after we moved to Hawaii when I was asked to be the main speaker at our church's annual women's conference. Talk about a terrifying first—to speak before 50+ women! 

 Since then, I've led Bible studies and prayer nights, even helped preach a sermon at church, and now this podcast. I’m finally embracing & using my voice! And let me tell you, even though I still get nervous and sometimes doubt creeps in, using my voice has been exhilarating and brings me joy!   Which makes me wonder what career path I would have chosen if I hadn't believed that early lie?    Maybe I would have been a news broadcaster or perhaps even a preacher?! 

 Now, I must share something that I just recently learned that has completely blown my mind, and it's connected to my voice. And it's this…. there are such things as motivational gifts that our Father God bestows upon us at birth. I have completely overlooked this, and when I discovered my dominant motivational gift, I was stunned to see how it goes hand-in-hand with using my voice!  

 But before I connect those dots for you, I don't want to assume you already know about spiritual gifts.   As I said, I had no clue about these motivational gifts. So, I want to first touch on the three (3) categories of giftings found in Scripture-

 Motivational Gifts

 The first is the seven (7)  motivational gifts given by Father God found in Romans 12:6-8:

 "Since our gifts vary depending on the grace poured out on each of us, it is important that we exercise the gifts we have been given. If prophecy is your gift, then speak as a prophet according to your proportion of faith. If service is your gift, then serve well. If teaching is your gift, then teach well. If you have been given a voice of encouragement, then use it often. If giving is your gift, then be generous. If leading, then be eager to get started. If sharing God's mercy, then be cheerful in sharing it."

 To recap- motivational gifts are 1) prophet, 2) servant, 3) teacher, 4) encourager or exhorter, 5) giver, 6) ruler, and 7) mercy. These are foundational gifts that shape or color our views.   It is the God-given mindset through which we interpret and respond to life. Or according to Charles Stanley- “A motivational gift is the underlying driving force that causes you to do the things you do the way you do them.”    

 Manifestation Gifts

 Next, we have the nine (9) "manifestation gifts" given at the time of our salvation by the Holy Spirit found in 1 Corinthians 12:7-11:

 “Each believer has received a gift that manifests the Spirit’s power and presence. That gift is given for the good of the whole community. The Spirit gives one person a word of wisdom, but to the next person the same Spirit gives a word of knowledge. Another will receive the gift of faith by the same Spirit, and still another gifts of healing—all from the one Spirit. One person is enabled by the Spirit to perform miracles, another to prophesy, while another is enabled to distinguish those prophetic spirits. The next one speaks in various kinds of unknown languages, while another is able to interpret those languages. One Spirit works all these things in each of them individually as He sees fit.”

 These manifestation gifts are the result of the work of the Holy Spirit. They are the ministry gifts of  1) word of wisdom, 2) word of knowledge, 3) faith, 4) healing, 5) miraculous powers, 6) prophecy, 7) discernment of spirits, 8) speaking in tongues, and 9) interpretation of tongues.  

 Offices/Governmental Gifts

 Finally, we have the five (5) “offices” or “governmental” gifts given by Christ Jesus found in Ephesians 4:11-13: 

 “So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.”

 Jesus gives these gifts to mature the church, and they comprise of 1) pastor, 2) prophet, 3) teacher, 4) evangelist, and 5) apostle. 

 You may have noticed that some gifts, like a teacher or prophet, overlap or repeat.  I don’t want to go down a rabbit hole, for our purposes today what you need to grasp is that we've all been given gifts by different persons (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) for different reasons, but ALL of the gifts are to glorify God. Even non-believers are given the foundational/ motivational gifts from the Father. These, along with our life experiences, shape our personalities.    

 Conversely, the manifestation and office gifts are given only to believers and should be used for the benefit and good of the church and others. 

 Now, I know this is a lot, and I said I want to connect the dots. So, I'm only going to discuss the first set of gifts—the motivational ones since they cover everyone, regardless of your theological views. And remember, this is the one that I really had no idea about! I'm not sure how I missed it, but I don't ever remember hearing this taught at church! And this is the one that has been so enlightening for me!   

 Believe it or not, when I first looked over the list, I couldn't even guess which gift would be my dominant one. In fact, when I took the tests to uncover my dominant gifting, I was completely surprised!   

 If you haven't already guessed- my overwhelmingly dominant gift is the voice of encouragement- an exhorter.  

One explanation of an exhorter is someone who possesses the “ability to encourage and build people up by challenging them to do better and practice what they have been taught. The Greek word for exhortation is paraklésis, which means "a call to one's side". It can also include the ideas of "urging," "comforting," "giving joy," and "bringing someone closely alongside".  The gift of exhortation can help people become mature in Jesus Christ and bring out the best in them. It can also include rebuking fellow believers for their sins, but it is not the same as teaching, and it is more of a call to action. The church needs exhorters to help keep people on the right path and moving forward.”

 This was such a revelation for me that I had to dive into learning more, and what I found was that I couldn't deny I was indeed an exhorter.   To share a few of the characteristics of an exhorter- they are master communicators and teach from real-life examples; they are sensitive to the feelings of others and situations; concerned with knowing God and communicating Him to others; and they see spiritual lessons in personal pain and suffering.   These are just a few.   There are also negatives to an exhorter, which I must admit I also possess-  like - people pleasing, difficulty with confrontation for fear of rejection, and frustration with time management with a tendency to take on too much!  

 Now that I better understand of how I'm wired and why, I can see that this gift has always been with me. Yet, I denied and suppressed it, not seeing it in myself even when others could see it and tried to encourage me.  That lie I picked up so long ago did significant damage!  

 As I wasted so many years trying to be something I was not, thinking that if I just pressed on and tried harder one day, I would find my purpose and happiness. 

 Thankfully, I have finally found it, and I'm so excited to say I AM AN EXHORTER. This knowledge is changing everything! For I see myself in a completely different light, and I'm armed with knowledge about how I'm called to not only fit into the world but also serve the world! 

 Ladies, I'm here to tell you that personal growth and freedom are found in self-examination, and they won't come from some TED talk or some Self-Help Guru. We were created by a Holy God, and He designed us intentionally. The key is for us to first look to His word and see for ourselves what gifts He has given us!  

 There are many resources out there, so there's no excuse.  

 To help you get started,  I’ve listed a few in my show notes.   So I encourage you to go there and check them out. 

 So, if you don't already know your motivational giftings and are not using them, I implore you today to do the necessary work and find out for yourself!   

 What gift did Father God give you? 

 Knowing it and owning it can make all the difference between living a life that is wasted and living a life that fulfills your God-given purpose!   

 Ladies don’t wait-  free yourself to be who God created you to be! 

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